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Office: CP2_ ΖΕP
Telephone: 0030
Email: ktsanaktsidis@uowm.gr


Degree: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Ioannina, Greece

Master Degree:
PhD:“Study degree of hydration, and conformational and dynamic properties of bio-organic compounds using eteronuclear NMR 14N and 31P”, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Ioannina, Greece


Dr. Tsanaktsidis Constantinos is instructor at the School of Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM). He is Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of UOWM. He is chemical (University of ioannina,) and his research focuses on subjects with conformational and dynamic properties of bio-organic compounds in pollution control technology.
Receiving a PhD from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Ioannina with distinction “Excellent”. Thesis “Study degree of hydration, and conformational and dynamic properties of bio-organic compounds using eteronuclear NMR 14N and 31P”
Note: The content of this thesis is to study changes in the degree of hydration of charged groups bioorganic compounds such as amino acids, acetyloaminoacids, phospholipids, nucleosides using NMR during their presence in aqueous solutions.
Postdoctoral studies at the University of Ioannina, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biological Applications and Technologies, with the object “Topics of Moisturizing amino acids and nucleic acids and structural aspects of studies of biologically active substances.
The areas of scientific interest are focused on:

Study of Bioorganic associations’ antipollution action
Concretely the behavior of bioorganic compounds that contain polar teams, (carboxylic, amino, phosphoric) which interact with water molecules is studied.
This behavior was studied in the frames of doctoral thesis and the results of this research are proposed for application in antipollution technologies in sectors like humid fuels, detergent, humid hospital waste, so as to they are rendered friendlier to the environment at their use.
For this purpose, several hydrophilic polymer have been selected to study (synthetically and naturally) eg, thermic polyaspartic anion (TPA), resin from Pinus helepensis, betaine, macromolecular organic compounds, organic solvents.
The ability of these compounds to interact with water molecules was studied, in order to remove the humidity in products like fuels and improve their physicochemical attributes (which constitutes the main field of application of inquiring process), in order that at their combustion they cause less polluting charge and they give bigger energy output. In fuels the compound TRA, RESIN were used.
Also the use of betaine in the detergents was studied, so that they will be friendlier to the environment after their use. The management of total organic charge of humid hospital waste was also studied so that they are not considered so dangerous for the environment.

Recent publications

Methanol, a Plugin Marine Fuel for Green House Gas Reduction—A Review.Energies. DOI: 10.3390/en17030605

Sustainable Medical Waste Management Using an Intuitionistic Fuzzy-Based Decision Support System.Sustainability (Switzerland). DOI: 10.3390/su16010298

Sustainable Antioxidant Production for Hygienic Disinfection Using Bioextractants from Lavender and Oregano Distillation Process.Energies. DOI: 10.3390/en16227534

Measuring Eco-Efficiency of the Global Shipping Sector Based on an Energy and Environmental Approach: A Dynamic Slack-Based Measure Non-Oriented Model.Energies. DOI: 10.3390/en16196997

Optimal Bio Marine Fuel production evolutionary Computation: Genetic algorithm approach for raw materials mixtures.Fuel. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.124232

Energy and Mineral Resources Exploitation in the Delignitization Era: The Case of Greek Peripheries.Energies. DOI: 10.3390/en15134732

A modern cloud based recycling system for smart cities.2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021. DOI: 10.1109/MOCAST52088.2021.9493420

Courses 2023-2024

Organic Chemistry I

Organic Chemistry II

Technology of Energy Raw materials

Fuels quality control
(Courses catalogue)